All logos, trademarks, part numbers, photos & illustrations are intended solely for identification.
Items offered for sale are not represented to be manufactured by the company that built the original equipment.
4.1 2M130 UC* 2M163 4.1 2M209 3.8 2M229 4.1 2M258 4.1
4.1 2M131 UC* 2M164 UC* 2M210 4.1 2M230 3.8 2M259 UC*
4.1 2M137 UC* 2M167 4.1 2M211 3.8 2M231 3.8 2M261 4.35
4.1 2M140 4.1 2M170 4.1 2M213 3.8 2M233 4.1 2M262 UC*
2M101 4.1 2M141 UC* 2M172 4.1 2M214 4.1 2M234 3.8 2M266 UC*
2M103 4.1 2M142 UC* 2M181 UC* 2M216 3.8 2M236 4.1 2M268 4.35
2M105 4.1 2M150 UC* 2M186 UC* 2M217 4.1 2M238 4.1 2M269 4.35
2M106 4.1 2M151 UC* 2M188 4.1 2M218 4.1 2M240 4.1 2M282 4.35
2M107 4.1 2M152 4.1 2M189 4.1 2M219 4.1 2M244 4.35 2M45 UC*
2M108 4.1 2M153 UC* 2M189 3.8 2M220 3.8 2M245 4.1 2M500 4.1
2M115 UC* 2M156 UC* 2M200 4.1 2M221 3.8 2M246 4.35 2M53 4.1
2M115 UC* 2M157 4.1 2M203 UC* 2M222 4.1 2M247 4.35 2M53* UC*
2M120 UC* 2M158 4.1 2M204 4.1 2M223 3.8 2M248 4.35 2M53A* UC*
2M121 UC* 2M160 4.1 2M205 UC* 2M224 4.1 2M250 UC* 2M57 4.1
2M125 UC* 2M161 4.1 2M207 3.8 2M226 4.1 2M253 4.1 2M700 4.1
2M128 4.1 2M162 UC* 2M208 4.1 2M228 4.1 2M254 4.1 2M71 4.1
Industry # kV Industry # kV Industry # kV Industry # kV Industry # kV Industry # kV
There are approximately five manufacturers of microwave oven
magnetrons in the world, and most of these manufacturers are located
in the Far East. Anyone manufacturing a microwave oven must purchase
the magnetron from one of these manufacturers.
What this means is that many microwave manufacturers use the same
or similar magnetrons and that many are interchangeable.
*UC signifies an uncommon kV rating. Magnetrons with uncommon kV ratings cannot be replaced with standard magnetrons.
See our model cross reference (on the website) for exact replacement magnetrons.
Use of the wrong kV rated magnetron will result in one or more of the following:
1) Magnetron will not go into oscillation,
2) Magnetron will not function properly or will overheat
3) Magnetron’s life will be reduced substantially.
Match up kV Rating
The electrical characteristics of a magnetron cannot be determined without elaborate testing equipment or the manufacturer’s spec sheets.
Therefore, you must rely on the research done by us. Look for your industry # below to obtain your kV rating.
Magnetron Identification is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!
WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard
Even partial disassembly of a microwave oven can expose a dangerous electric shock and radiation hazard. Service of
microwave ovens should be performed only by qualified service personnel.
While ERP components are engineered for a broad range of applications, it is the responsibility of the service
technician to determine the suitability of a particular application by observing proper electrical and mechanical constraints.
ERP shall not be held liable for any injury or damage arising from the misuse or misapplication of its products.